You are a restaurant owner, producer, shopkeeper, tourist site manager, etc.
You want to make your business known to travellers who are nearby during their trip?
Then don't hesitate and add your place on CaraMaps in order to be visible to our 900,000 users who are looking for activities in the surroundings of their journey.
All you have to do is register for free on our website by clicking on "login" and then "register".
Once you have registered, click on "add an activity" on the CaraMaps map.
Then, you just have to fill in the information about this activity on our questionnaire: name, type, description, price, contact details, location and photo.
Finally, your activity will be validated by our team before being published online.
You would like to give more visibility to your business?
See our article on Visibility Pro ⭐️ !
📩 Don't hesitate to contact us for more information.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at
You can also contact us on social networks by following us on Facebook or Instagram
🚐💨 Enjoy your travel with CaraMaps!